Wednesday, May 27, 2009

today was trying as we deal with disabilty issues....I think they don't want to pay it so they make it hard to get. but, we will succeed! I got to see Brooke's kids today and they are so cute...

back to work

I just got back from Nampa, Idaho visiting my dear family. My mom and I had such a nice visit. We connect at the core. I gave her a priesthood blessing that was very special for us both. My mom is so special. Her capacity to love is magnificent to behold. My sister Naomi has that same special ability to love like that. My daughter Bambi does too. My brother Tim has done a wonderful job of keeping things together along with his sweet wife and kids in Nampa. I will be forever grateful how they all have taken such good care of my mother....especially Tim's dear wife Koleen. I saw my cousin Rob Robinson and his parents Ron and JoAnn. They gave me some long lost pictures of me as a youngster that I love. We saw my grandma's sister Mary Nye. She told us some stories about the Layne's. I promised her we would do her Temple work when she dies. My sister Christine came over and met my family and collected my spit to get it analized. We are closer now and that's good. Jesus Christ can heal and shape our natures for the better as we learn of Him and keep His commandments. My brother Marty took me to the airport and we had a great visit. Thanks Susie for the ticket. The walk at the airports almost did me in till a sweet gal helped me get a wheelchair in SLC, where my dear friend Lincoln Fuqua picked me up and took me to Provo. God is good, and the Church is TRUE !!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

tommy and cousin tuutie

tommy bassett baby pics 2009

My life as an ALS patient

I was diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease) on May 18th, 2009. My legs and arms were twitching and cramping and I lost power in my right arm and leg. My family has been wonderfully supportive and very helpfull. I hate not being able to walk ok. I'm in Nampa, Idaho this weekend seeing my mom and family. I saw my aunt Mary Nye, my cousin Rob Robinson and his parents Ron and JoAnn Robinson. We went and saw my dad's grave at the veteran's cemetary on hill road in Boise. I bore my testimony of eternal life to my dear families. My brother Tim had a cook-out after with his wonderful family Kolene and kids. I got blessed with some pictures of me as a kid that Ron had from my grandma Bonnie. My testimony of Jesus Christ is stronger than ever as I feel strength from Him as I go forward now without fear with faith in Him and his Atonement.

This is exact truth from Sherry Dew my friend!

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Saying it like it is” Sherry Dew

Noble and great. Courageous and determined. Faithful and fearless. That is who you are and who you have always been. And understanding it can change your life, because this knowledge carries a confidence that cannot be duplicated any other way.

It is actually easier to motivate someone to do something difficult than something easy. That’s because the status quo is uninspiring. Our spirits crave to progress, and if we aren’t moving forward, we’re not happy.

We may not be the first generation of people to be influenced by the world, but we need to be the last. We’ve just got to be the last. It is high time for us to arise and have the influence God intended us to have. It is high time for us to lead the people of the world. It is high time for us to model the distinctiveness and happiness that set true followers of Jesus Christ apart.

Those who think of life as a personal ministry tend to be less lonely, less likely to feel that life has spun out of control, more inclined to have a gentle heart, more filled with purpose.

Holiness means walking away from the philosophies of man. It means looking to prophets for spiritual counsel, not celebrities or experts, who may be appealing but who all come packing personal motives and an arsenal of half-truths. It is deadly to take counsel from anyone whose primary motive is to build his or her own kingdom.

There are some who make living the gospel seem like a sentence to life on the rock pile. It’s not living the gospel that’s hard. It’s life that’s hard. It’s picking up the pieces when covenants have been compromised or values violated that’s hard. The gospel is the Good News that provides us the tools to cope with the mistakes, the heartaches, the disappointments we can expect to experience here.

The doctrine of the Atonement is a doctrine of healing. The Savior heals us from the effects of sin, when we repent. He heals our weaknesses and mistakes. He heals broken promises, broken lives, broken hearts. When we demonstrate the faith to seek after Him, and try our best to follow Him, He will heal us.

Being steadfast and immovable on the Lord’s side of the line is the only strategy that works long-term against Lucifer. If the adversary can’t get us to succumb to blatant evil, he tries to wear us down, weaken our resolve, and dim our memory of who we are. He promotes the Sin Now, Pay Later Plan. He feeds our vanity with promises of popularity and power. He tells us that life is supposed to be easy and that if we experience undeserved pain the gospel must not be true. He always promises shortcuts, though there are no shortcuts to anywhere worth going. But he cannot duplicate joy or peace. That is why there is such safety on the Lord’s side of the line, where the power of the priesthood and the Holy Ghost protect us.

The Holy Ghost is always the Teacher anytime, anywhere pure truth is taught. That is His privilege; that is His stewardship.

A half-hearted effort to keep the Sabbath Day holy or to be morally clean is really no effort at all. Eight percent of your increase isn’t tithing, it’s a donation. The Lord didn’t declare, “Thou shalt not steal—unless you’re in a real bind.” He said, “Thou shalt not,” clearly delineating the lines we are not to cross—lines that represent breaches in integrity or morality or virtue so serious that they drive the Spirit away and lead ultimately to the destruction of our souls.

Living as Latter-day Saints is not easy. But it is easier than the alternative. The cost of discipleship, as high as it may be, is less than the price of sin—less costly than having the Holy Ghost withdraw or losing self-respect or jeopardizing eternal life.

The gift of the Holy Ghost is a gift of power. The Holy Ghost inspires and heals, guides and warns, enhances our natural capacities, inspires charity and humility, makes us smarter than we are, strengthens us during trials, testifies of the Father and the Son, and shows us “all things” that we should do. He helps us do more and become more than we could ever do or become on our own......This is true! Tom Bassett

Friday, May 8, 2009

What we do.......

TMC Family Foundation Executive Summary May 2009

“Searching our past, to find our future”

We started this foundation to help find a cure for ALS, which I have, and help families find and document their ancestors. We have

many years experiance researching our own ancestors. We truly feel that our know-

ledge of where we come from affects how we feel about ourselves and others.

The process of finding out our families histories gives us a certain thrill that only comes

from reading a journal entry or seeing a lost photo of a grandparent, or other relative.


The newest developement in genealogy is the recent progress of DNA research.TMC Family

Foundation has partnered with ” The Sorenson

Molecular Genealogy Foundation. It is a non-profit organization dedicated to building the world's

foremost collection of DNA and corresponding genealogical information.

SMGF is making its collection available for searching on this web site. Finding matching DNA

results and pedigrees in the Sorenson Database can help you make new family connections

throughout the world and across generations.

The Foundation is a world leader in DNA research with direct application to genealogy. Its

work complements other studies that focus on the "deep ancestry" of humankind.

SMGF was inspired by discussions in 1999 between philanthropist James LeVoy Sorenson and

BYU Professor Scott Woodward about using DNA in genealogy.

Since that time, SMGF has collected more than 70,000 DNA samples, together with

four-generation pedigree charts, from volunteers in more than 100 countries around the world.

Y-chromosome DNA results and pedigree charts are available for searching in the Sorenson

Database. Y-DNA results and pedigrees help you trace your direct paternal line.

Mitochondrial DNA results and pedigree charts are available for searching in the Sorenson Database. Mitochondrial DNA results and pedigrees help you trace your direct maternal line.

The Foundation is also conducting research on autosomal DNA, and plans to release the Sorenson Autosomal Database in the near future. Autosomal DNA results and pedigrees can help you trace all family lines.

"I can't think of anything that matters more than reminding people everywhere that in a very real sense, we are all brothers and sisters," says Mr. Sorenson about our genetic connections.”

This DNA work is the future of genealogical research. Our goal is to help people use this

process to find hidden relatives all over the globe.

Sorensen's is here in Salt Lake City, Utah and their DNA kits are mailed anywhere in the world

for free.

The bottom line is that our foundation will benefit those with a desire to find their roots.

Genealogy is the 2nd most popular activity on the internet. You can guess what the 1st place

activity is (porn). At least #2 is worthwhile and uplifting.

We belive our ancestors are in heaven waiting for us to get to know them, so when we get there,

we will already know them. Tom and Mavis Bassett Founders

These are my fathers grandparents in Boise, Idaho in 1930.

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  • C.S. Lewis (All)
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  • Twilite series
  • A Christmas Carol


About Me

My photo
Provo, Utah, United States
55 years old, from Boise, Idaho. I was born to Gary Earl Robinson and Velva Lea Yancey 20 August 1953 at St. Alphonsis hospital.